Monday, September 22, 2008

Being Simply Happy

“ What do you crave most in your life? “ asked my friend, as we sat in leisure after so many years (15 years of married life), sipping tea at one of our favourite haunts of our past. “Well nostalgic moments like this one,” I promptly answered. “ I would always like to relive all such moments and every time it would be an equally delightful experience for me, because I feel happiness is something that you can get only out of things that are close to your heart.” I earnestly expressed. “Your material achievements, your professional success can surely give your ego some satisfaction and momentary joy, but these things fail to hand you pure happiness. At any stage of life, your ‘real natural self’ does not need big things to keep you happy. Only simpler things can see most of us in paradise.” I stressed.

My friend looked at me with surprise writ large on her face and I had to elaborate, “I really mean it, in spite of ascending on the exciting life ladder, simple things continue to remain my objects of happiness. The refreshing feel of a beautiful crisp, winter morning, the smell of the first raindrops hitting sun baked earth, percolating coffee, moments spent with family, nostalgic moments with friends, a romantic song heard far off, wearing an old favourite shirt, all such simple things make me very happy and hence happiness perhaps is always handy for me.” I feel that whatever I had expressed to her was applicable to most of us and not just myself.

Life is an evolution, where we evolve from a playful child to a bubbling adolescent and finally to a matured adult, but I think all this evolution is a state of mind, our heart continues to sing to the tunes of simple yet sentimental strings. My octogenarian grandma still finds her old age the happiest phase of her life for according to her; she hasn’t let the mischievous child, the active teenager, the romantic lover, the amicable friend and other ‘people‘ in her die with age. At heart, she still keeps close with all these ‘persons’ in her, and hence her happiness is still cloudless.

In our unbridled pursuit of pleasures and ambitions, most of us make our simple lives complicated, disturbing the ‘ecological balance ‘of our evergreen hearts. We spoil the very simple yet beautiful geometry of our hearts. We race for things that we feel can give us immense joy, and start grossly neglecting very simple things in our lives, which can unearth fountains of bliss for us. Life is simple mathematics where one plus one should always be two, but in our longing for more we try to make it twenty two or more; most of us end up with plenty of zeroes added to the end. We must learn to get this ‘beautiful two’ out of our lives.

Children are always ecstatic, because they have very simple definitions of happiness; they straightaway derive it from their routine child’s play. With the passage of time, most of us end up with ‘complex definition’ and ‘modified concepts’ of happiness. In the process, we lose our natural capacity to become simply happy. Unconsciously we become what I term as ‘joyless prone’ and ‘happiness resistant‘, so simpler things don’t give us felicity. We need to look for a long lasting happiness, which can only be drawn from the simpler things in life, simple yet close to our hearts. I feel true happiness is something we can only get through moments close to our heart. Let us try to gather and experience such moments. For all such moments should keep us ‘simply’ happy… forever.


Tys on Ice said...

first of all iam sorry that that i seem to come to ur page thru ur comments in my blog...i hate seems so contrived..

i half agree with wht u said..becoz i too believe that happiness is something that is more internal than external...i hve seen many times how people strive to tag their own happiness with something that has to occur to them, thru means of someone or something or some kind of happy occasions...and always come up unhappy..

its sad...

either u r happy or u r not.

to seek ones happiness or anything for tht matter in something else is doomed to fail...u tend to only change the scenario but not the one who is experiencing it...

u still with me on this?

thats the first half.

the second half is where people live in the past...

i cud be wrong, but dont u think tht memories of ur past is actually holding onto to something which is unrecognisable?...i mean, when u think abt urself in the past , u r an observer, not the doer...its something that u always see, and can remember the experience but its still something that is happening to someone (even if its u) who is disconnected from the one who is remembering..

sorry abt this...but iam just trying to make u see my truth ( and thts not really fair), u r here , experinecing any sort of joy , only becoz of ur attitude...

and if a coffee on a rainy day gives u that...well, hold on to it...

do u get wht iam saying?

Guruprasad said...

hey... i think i get what you are saying... but unlike tys here, i dunno what to say...

i agree with him that even when you are reliving or reminiscing some wonderful memories from the past you are still experiencing the happiness in the present!

and there's nothing else that drives us in every waking moment other than seeking this happiness... don't you agree?